Is a cosmetic procedure something you always wanted to have? Don’t put your dreams on hold any longer. Get the power to get what you want with low monthly payments that fit easily into your budget. Your procedure is customized exactly to your desires and goals. After deciding what you would like to accomplish, fees are discussed at your consultation. Move forward to get your procedure immediately and pay over time with comfortable payments.
Due to the media, many people have the misconception that cosmetic procedures are extremely expensive and they could never afford it. Because of some TV shows many people believe most procedures are at least $20,000.00 each!!! This could NOT be further from the truth.
Cosmetic procedures are extremely affordable or the usual cosmetic surgery patient would not be an average working person. We want to help you achieve your cosmetic goals and will recommend low or no interest financing options available to help you achieve your dreams. We accept cash, checks, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express credit cards.
The Best Financing For You
Prosper Healthcare Lending is a leading financing option for medical procedures. Prosper offers affordable, simple loans. With Prosper there are no prepayment penalties and no retroactive interest. Also, Prosper offers longer loan terms to lower your monthly payments. In a few short minutes you will know if you can get the procedure of your dreams!
Inquire & Get Your Answer in a Few Minutes
You’ve waited long enough to achieve your goals and Prosper won’t keep you waiting. It will only take a few minutes to complete the form, submit it and get your response!
Anyone Can Apply
Some people are not in the best situation to qualify for a loan. Prosper Healthcare Lending understands and will help you get the cosmetic procedure you’ve always wanted. Remember that you can always ask a friend or family member to inquire about a loan for you.
No Risk Inquiry
Without affecting your credit you can receive an instant pre-approval. There is no risk since you can review loan rates and terms before accepting. It’s also 100% confidential!
Low Monthly Payments
Prosper Healthcare Lending offers loan amounts up to $35,000.00 and loans for as long as 60 months!
Apply on Any Device
Prosper is an online automated system making it easy to inquire about financing. You can apply anywhere on any tablet, computer, or phone!
Prosper is Not a Credit Card
Prosper offers the best financing options available. You are not applying for a credit card. Prosper loans are simple monthly installment loans with no pre-payment penalties and no retroactive interest.